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About Us

We focus 100% on providing talent and consulting services in instructional design, technical writing and editing,
corporate communications, marketing content, and project management.

Who We Are

Since 2003, we’ve supported pharma, IT, manufacturing, community colleges, healthcare, medical devices, software, electric power, cleantech, CRO’s, banking, insurance and more.

We’re not just a technical writing agency or an instructional design agency  — we’re your partner for the long-haul.

Our associates know they can get help directly from TimelyText for any tool, technology, or workplace need thanks to ongoing, non-billable support. Our clients know they are getting a well-supported and carefully-vetted professional to meet their needs.

Why Choose Us

Two Decades of Experience

With more than 20 years in the industry, TimelyText enjoys long-term relationships with companies from Fortune 500 software giants to local manufacturing operations . Our roots in the community of communication professionals provide us with an unmatched ability to understand our clients’ needs, while gathering insight about the attitudes, skills, and cultural fit of candidates we consider.

We’re Pinpoint Focused


We succeed because of our concentration on select core competencies. TimelyText’s internal vetting team is consistently looking for top talent, using a proprietary evaluation process. Often, we can recommend a proven professional we’ve already worked with, and if we don’t yet have a candidate lined up, our vast network enables us to quickly find and thoroughly vet new candidates.

Two-Customer Philosophy


After you choose the right TimelyText candidate, we provide one-on-one support for both client and consultant from the moment they accept the position.

We’re not a staffing agency that simply makes the connection and sends invoices and paychecks.

Ready to find out how TimelyText can help?

Highlighted Industries

Every industry can benefit from improved documentation, education, and training! We’re proud to provide custom content in any field.

Most often, we place our communication professionals in:




Medical Device










Utilities /
Power & Automation